Turn back or Turn towards

Jesus, knowing by now everything that was coming down on him, went out and met them. John 18:3

Arrest of Christ, Altdorfer

Albrecht Altdorfer, The arrest of Christ

Audio: Sweet Darkness, David Whyte read by Gus MacLeod

Towards an end and a beginning

After the public euphoria of Palm Sunday the infatuated crowds have thinned out. Attention turns upon a secluded garden outside the Jerusalem's walls. For Jesus (and especially for the disciples?), the darkness, secrecy and menace of a night time arrest ushers in the shock and dread associated with deep crisis. The disciples are scattered, though not lost.

Jesus ...went out and met them*

Any form of disorientation in life and of faith can signal an end to development and a return to former times and old ways: to a 'no doubts', 'Christ is my hero so everything will be fine' stage. Jesus goes out and meets the braying crowd, turning towards an end and a new beginning - to the disciples it must have felt like the end of the world was coming. We have choices, to turn back or turn towards.

As I watch Jesus's response* what desire or challenge is stirred within me? Is there a prayer or action that emerges?