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Selected Resources- Websites
Here is a list of websites that may be of interest and worth exploring.
The Contemplative Way - www.contemplativeway.org
Retreats with James Finley.
Center for Action and Contemplation - http://www.cac.org/
Daily meditations and reflections from Fr Richard Rohr.
Greenbelt - www.greenbelt.org.uk
Engaged with culture, inspired by the arts, sustained by faith, it aspires to be an open generous community reimagining the Christian narrative for the present moment. Greenbelt stands for an inclusive and progressive Christian faith.
On Being - http://www.onbeing.org/
On Being is a spacious conversation — and an evolving media space —about the big questions at the center of human life, from the boldest new science of the human brain to the most ancient traditions of the human spirit.
Prodigal Kiwi(s) Blog http://prodigal.typepad.com
Progressive Christianity Network - www.pcnbritain.org.uk
The Progressive Christianity Network Britain works to promote and support open and contemporary Christian understanding. It provides a network of local groups across the country, publishes a radical quarterly newsletter, and organises regular conferences and events. Members come from all denominations, and they enjoy links with other progressive Christian movements around the world.
Resourcing Mission (Church of Scotland) – www.resourcingmission.org.uk
Wanting to provide resources to Christians who are not engaged with a church congregation.
Sacred Space - www.sacredspace.ie
A prayer site run by Irish Jesuits which invites people to make a ‘Sacred Space’ in their day, and spend ten minutes praying here and now, as they sit at their computer, with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day.
Sacred Space – www.sacredspace.org.uk
Providing peaceful and confidential rest and recuperation for those who are exhausted, stressed, burned out or experiencing a sense of crisis in life through work, home or health challenges. Supporting individuals who are spiritual seekers from different religions and none, without dogma or judgmentalism. Teaching in the healing arts, spirituality and wellbeing and right relationship. Helping organisations nurture enlightened approaches to leadership development, staff support and greater care and compassion in the workplace for staff, service users, customers, and patients.
Shoreline Conversations – www.shorelineconversations.com
A project offering support to faith-based organisations as they live and work out of their spiritual and faith basis. They offer consultancy, team support and facilitation, along with resources for the deepening of the spiritual life in groups.
Silence in the City - www.silenceinthecity.org.uk
A series of talks on silent prayer and contemplative living in today’s world. It is organised by lay members of the World Community for Christian Meditation and Contemplative Outreach London.
Spirited Exchanges - www.spiritedexchanges.org.nz
Spirited Exchanges is an umbrella name for a variety of initiatives for people grappling with issues related to faith and church. Many of these people have left the institutional church while others continue but have a less than comfortable alliance with it. Spirited Exchanges has provided spaces for transition and resources for people to process the issues, ask the questions and express the doubts. These have included groups, an interactive newsletter containing people's stories and articles and resources relevant to people in this space, this website with much the same content and one to one support. They also promote relevant books, information and other links.
Vessel Trust - www.vesseltrust.org.uk
A sister charity based in west Cornwallthat supports churches and individuals as they seek to explore the meaning of the Christian faith in the everyday world and as they journey through the life stages. The Reverends Kenny and Bridget Macaulay started the Coracle Trust and the Vessel trust has grown out of and is in partnership with Coracle.