Let's start at the very beginning
Bridget Macaulay
The Trust's founders were Kenny and Bridget Macaulay. They are ordained ministers in the Scottish Episcopal Church. Setting up the Coracle Trust in 2001 was realising a dream they had for a number of years to offer a city-wide ministry particularly to people in the twenties to forties age range from across the theological and ecumenical spectrum. They named the Trust 'The Coracle Trust' because they felt inspired by the image of the little boat as a symbol of faith. Kenny and Bridget’s home became a base for the Trust as they offered hospitality to the various groups they founded.
Kenny Macaulay
Initially working with young adults in the Tuesday Group they expanded the ministry to encompass other groups exploring many important life issues; Motherhood and God, Male Spirituality, Two Halves of Live, Wonder.Com. For the last few years this was their full time ministry. In 2008 after a three month sabbatical God began to speak to Kenny and Bridget about a move to Cornwall. A long established dream to live there became a reality as they took up a post as warden at Epiphany House retreat centre in Truro. The Coracle Trustees then had the task to decide whether the trusts work would continue or wind down with the founders moving on. Taking time to reflect the trustees agreed there was still space and a need for the work Kenny and Bridget had established.
Continuing the Vision The trustees now employ Andrew and Kirsty Hook one day a week to facilitate and coordinate this ministry working with a core group of committed individuals. Andrew and Kirsty are good friends of Kenny and Bridget, have been involved in a number of the groups, and connect deeply with the ethos of Coracle. They have a passion to see this work continue and expand. Both are members of Community Church Edinburgh and live in the Newington area where Coracle has thrived.
Kirsty Hook
Andrew Hook