Photography by Simon Hodge
A wind that blows no ill
I've observed that sometimes scraps of lines come together from the far corners of memory, sit up on their hind legs and beg for attention. They have been a line in a conversation, a phrase in a book or an incident. And when I need them most they seem to blow lightly across my path again, pass through me and stop me. Selah, stop and ponder, says the Psalms. Some headlines are amusing like this photograph. They disarm or soften. Here's something else, a snatch of a conversation from some 5 years ago:
You have a good life.
Surrounded by witnesses?
This was a remark a short-term colleague made to me. It stopped me in my tracks. Its still does. I did not know her well. The kids were young, work was pressing. It was important to me to hear that and some part of me knew it. Selah. Be present to your own life, as it is Andrew. And by the way, it's a good life, and you appear to have not noticed. Like the historical 'cloud of witnesses' to faith what headlines in your own journey, when recalled and reappear, stop you and continue to hold and surround you? * Hebrews 12