For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below
Romans 8:38
Beach, Alex Talmon,
The love of God is broad as beach
and meadow,
Wide as the wind, and an eternal home.
Melvyn Matthews
The love of God
A few lines that offer an array of images for the breadth of God's love, each worthy of plunging into as one would when confronted with a glistening azure pool. Beach and meadow: stretch, room, freedom? What memories or impressions come to you? Wind and home; evocative of strongly felt sensations. Here are pictures for each of these words. May they help us into a experience of God's everpresent and indomitable love.
Beach Meadows, Queens Country, Nova Scotia, RegionofQueen
Meadows at Ega Engso, RhinoMind