The enemy of faith is fear.
Anthony de Mello
The baptism of christ, 1450. Piero della Francesca
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
Romans 6:4
Dare to die
We appear to be touching directly again on the purpose of Lent, which is to prepare us to receive reconciliation and new life.
This preparation appears in life to involve some interaction with death. We are folded into Jesus' death. We are also folded into Jesus's own resurrection.
If we stop to consider this, what might the implications be for us? Might fear itself be lessened, or seen in a different light? In particular fear of death, in its many guises; loss, failure, shame, and death itself? Is some loosening of our grip on the false self, on a persona that works for us but also reduces us offered or effected? In classical religious art a skull is often positioned somewhere within a painting. For the spiritual life death is front and centre; our place of resurrection is death. Others have put it that the spiritual task is letting go. The Indian Jesuit Anthony de Mello favoured meditations which allowed a consideration of death. He has a way with quips. Here are two of them.
How many of the loves and dreams and fears
of yesteryears
retain their hold on you today?
You come alive
each time you dare to die-
let go, move on, bid things goodbye.