Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:23
Jesus appeals for action: to mark, regard, contemplate lilies. Spencer's painting takes this invitation seriously and visualises for us Jesus doing exactly that.
The huge rounded figure of Jesus, on all fours, is magnetically drawn towards the mass of the earth. His sheer weight presses into and is held above the daisies which in turn reach out and up towards him (deep calls to deep?). Devoid of distraction, given wholly to this startingly important and sizeable gesture, he gives himself to his God; the maker of earth and heaven. The God who sustains and nurtures him, attends also to the grass and these 'ordinary' daisies.
Why not stop each day this week and allow yourself the time and space to gaze at the detail and sweep of what is growing, is living.