Being born again, and again
Jesus says we need to be born again (and again, so the tense suggests). He is simply stating a necessity perhaps, saying it as it is. If we wish to live freely and expansively we must it seems learn to die or diminish, take some risks.
There is the journey to the door, then the pausing at the threshold, making a decision; and finally, the crossing over in to the other region, or else returning to base. Barbara Hepworth
In our lives, as with Jesus, questions and requests, shrouded in life events, propel us into moments where we have to pause, to decide and to cross over or return.
This Lent we will journey through such moments in Jesus’ life. We will look for what is offered, what may help in the journey to and through such thresholds in our own faith and life.
What metaphor or question may we inhabit? What way or request may we follow?
“The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptised, you will be baptised” Mark 10:39