Advent series 2022

Journey of the Magi, James Tissot, 1894


God is a beckoning word. Gerard Hughes, SJ

Because of the tender mercy of our God, the rising sun will come to us from heaven. Luke 1:78

Ethiopian orthodox icon of Mary and baby Jesus and of St George

In art a diptych is a piece of work consisting of two pieces or panels, that together create a single art piece that can be attached together or presented adjoining each other. In medieval times, panels were often hinged so that they could be closed and the artworks protected, such as this icon. This year we will be gathering around the word ‘Come’ but in two parts which join and belong together: God Comes and We/I come.

God comes

God comes with power, on a donkey, as a wounded healer, as bread and wine, as gate and as shepherd. Given it’s Advent we will look at how he comes reflected in our experience of nature (eg the Messiah is described as the rising sun) and particularly as a baby: ‘He comes like last leaf’s fall, like frost, like dark, like child’ as Rowan Williams puts it.

We come

There is an appeal in the word ‘Come’: Come to me, come sit and eat, come listen to me, come walk with me. So we will also look at the call for us to come. How do we, how might we, each hear, perceive and respond to that beckoning? This will involve exploring the images we hold of God and also the nature and experience of following.

This will begin on Wednesday 30th November and proceed thereafter on a weekly basis until Wednesday 21st December.

Advent reflections 2021 Advent reflections 2020