Journeying with drama
The Magi and the Holy Family having reached their hoped for destinations, joined, marvelled together and now head off in separate directions alerted to an impending threat. It’s a ‘scene of urgent and slightly panicky journey-making’ (Dawn). High points of stilled awe and ecstasy are followed by unexpected and hurried mid course adjustment. Exhaustion and uncertainty are at hand. They are in the midst of drama, as so often are we. It is an abrupt ending to the ‘play’ - exit stage right and they are gone! This lack of conclusion^ is part of the journey too.
Dreams and visions pepper the Advent narratives like the stars in the sky, overseeing peace and restlessness alike. Drama often throws up issues of control, wanting it, fearing it’s loss, wondering where it now lies and may be found. Who or what is left centre of stage? Around who or what does the universe circle? Me?
Beginnings and endings, Maggi Dawn
^until Herod’s death precipitates another journey