This very day in King David’s home town a Saviour was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. You will know who he is, because you will find him dressed in baby clothes and lying on a bed of hay. Luke 2 11-12
A Saviour was born for you. And you will know him. The CEV* has 'a baby in baby clothes', because strips of cloth or swaddling clothes meant to the shepherds just that – baby clothes. You will find an ordinary baby in a little town, born to your kind of people, something you would see every day - though most babies are not announced by angels!
God comes to the ordinary and everyday things and blesses them with His presence. Christmas to me is about God touching, inhabiting the earth he created and giving it new hope, reminding it of its sacredness. This takes me to the poem Saint Francis and the Sow by Galway Kinnell with remembrance of one’s loveliness evoked by touch and words that bless.
There is something about this story of the shepherds sent to see a 'baby in baby clothes'. A very ordinary sight. Although Jesus is obviously quite beyond us, is 'other' than us (note the angels), I believe when we encounter him we somehow know him. He is recognisable to us.
Kirsty Hook
* CEV Contemporary English Version