I am born for the second time,
happiness of the world
came to me again.
My body effervesces.
Anna Swir
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:39-41
The whirlwind
A furore is unleashed in this and the surrounding passages, a whirlwind of Spirit inspired happenings: insight, physical witness, angelic appearances, extraordinary surprising messages.
Jane Kenyon's The Bat captures some of this intervention, one announced upon hearing wings overhead.
I was reading about rationalism,
the kind of thing we do up north
in early winter, where the sun
leaves work for the day at 4:15
Maybe the world is intelligible
to the rational mind;
and maybe we light the lamps at dusk
for nothing...
Then I heard the wings overhead.
The cats and I chased the bat
in circles—living room, kitchen,
pantry, kitchen, living room...
At every turn it evaded us
like the identity of the third person
in the Trinity: the one
who spoke through the prophets,
the one who astounded Mary
by suddenly coming near.
The Bat, Jane Kenyon