Ledge silhouette, Scott Horrigan
The backcloth to Advent is stony silence and a long wait.
Each day in Advent readings are given by various contributors according to the themes of light, power, joy and laughter and finally of love.
Looking at the dark broken places
I was just considering the Winter's Solstice and the longest night of the year and reading John 1 that in Christ is life and the life is the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. Thinking of moving from that place of the longest night to longer and longer days we can look at the dark and broken places in our lives with the hope that God's light will still enter into the darkness and illumine us with life.
With this in mind, I came across this poem...
I have climbed up out of a narrow darkness
onto a ledge of light
I am of God
I was not made for night.
Extract from Ledge of light, Jessica Powers
Mags Bryan