Annunciation mosaic
Opening prayer
I rejoice with Mary and Joseph, I worship with the shepherds, I sing with the angels, I offer my gifts with the wise men. I receive the living Lord.
The story continues…
And Mary said, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me as you say. Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38)
Silence and Imaginative exercise
Mary's response "Let it be with me as you say" asks me directly where my control centre is. Is it my own will? Do I filter everything through what I value, what I see and want? Maybe there is another way of looking at the now, my past and my future? Might Mary's words become a set prayer, "Let it be with me as you say". Sit with this prayer for 12 minutes? What defences and what possibilities emerge in you?
Closing Blessing
May Christ Jesus look into your face with love, God the Creator spring to life within your being and the Holy Spirit be found in sacred places around you.