advent SERIES 2023
Nicholas Mynheer, Rest on the flight to Egypt
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” Matthew 2: 1-2
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Matthew 2:13
Either the Darkness alters-/Or something in the sight/Adjusts itself to Midnight -/And Life steps almost straight. Emily Dickinson
Curiosity and consequence
The Magi’s interest was piqued by the appearance of a star. They were drawn to a foreign land and to something and someone they likely knew little about nor fully understood. Their curiosity led them. What role does curiosity have in the journey of faith? Looking back at this event what still now draws us to seek, to gaze, to worship? Curiosity may have killed the cat but does it for us open the door to a new hope and a new faith?
We also note that there were some significant consequences that followed and unfolded for the Holy family (exile, divine guidance and protection). Like them we too may look ahead wondering at the conclusion to our choices and those of others that impact us. In Nicholas Mynheer’s Rest on the flight to Egypt we see a flower emerging from a desert. The artist learned that every spring for 2 weeks the Judaean desert bloomed with wild flowers. Where are the signs of life and colour along my route?
Three kings, David Jones
Darkness and Life
Its advent again and I’m wondering what has and is rousing my curiosity around the Christmas narratives? And I’m looking ahead to my onward journey and how different that might be, depending on the choices I may make. What lies ahead for me, for us and how might we navigate the uncertainties and promise that are a part and parcel of life.
Either the Darkness alters-/Or something in the sight/Adjusts itself to Midnight -/And Life steps almost straight. Emily Dickinson
We will have a number of contributors throughout Advent and we look forward to their thoughts.
David Jones/Three Kings and Nicholas Mynheer/Rest on the flight to Egypt are both from the Methodist Modern Art Collection © TMCP, used with permission.