transitionING in faith through the lifestages

The Coracle Trust offers places of hospitality for pilgrims and navigators to share stories, cultivate learning and instil an openness towards Christ.   

Lent 2025

Scenes from a life

Installation ideas

How might we more fully experience our experiences and mark our transitions which often come in both epic and subtle forms of loss, opportunity and threat?

The Two Halves of Life group

Exploring the energies, struggles and spiritualities arising from the transition from the first half to the second half of life. Meeting on the last Wednesday in the month (Edinburgh).

Latest topics directory

Here is an updated version of our 12 page A5 topics directory, an ongoing work to collate and present snippets of subjects covered by groups to date with downloadable material.

Transition gardens

A collaborative exploration of the role of the outdoors in transitioning well in faith and through life.

Landscapes and sacred spaces: A selection of paths, trails and spaces

Wellbeing and the outdoors: Contemplative walking (Image credit: A Hook)

Throughout our lives transitions require us to review what has become most significant and meaningful to us.  Whether triggered by loss, profound love or uncertainty we aim to reflect well upon our inner life and outer world through readings, art, poetry, metaphor and now through walking (wellbeing and the outdoors).  Here we gather and distribute via an e-newsletter personal and collective work (reflections) from within the Coracle community and draw on the work of theologians, writers, poets and artists as they strive to provide maps for the wellbeing, maturity and faith development of individuals and communities. Please use the site wide Search facility below to enter subjects of interest.

We explore, offer and consult on generic and site specific installations. We craft and advise on contemplative trails and collate pages of trails and spaces within Scotland, providing accompanying reflective material. We also run groups in Edinburgh: a mid-life spirituality group and a motherhood and God group. Contact for more information.



Regular, Series, Lent and Advent reflections, Magazine

Regular, Series, Lent and Advent reflections, Magazine


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