When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” (Within John 1:47-49)
Jesus begins with gathering disciples, scooping up friends. They see him variously, he sees them variously. Multiple dramas and stories are unearthed. How will this turn out for them all?
This short passage revolves around Jesus offering an observation, in effect a single word to a man called Nathanael: you are “guileless” or lacking in deceit. This is underlined with Jesus contrasting Nathanael with Jacob the deceiver (verse 51).
Did Nathanael agree, was he thrilled, embarrassed by being told he was straightforward, without edges? Was this a quality he admitted or looked down on? What we are told is that this insight in turn elicits, very early in the Gospel stories, an almost startled recognition and confession, one which will recur for others too. It will gather momentum and potency as Jesus’s life continues: “you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel”.
Being seen
This on the back of being seen accurately, intimately.
My instinct is to not look too closely at Cazalet’s picture of this partially hidden sleeping figure. It asks me to respect his privacy, for me to look away perhaps? The possibility of nakedness would underline this. The strong red colour might suggest suffering or more likely (to me) is reminiscent of a baby just born, smothered in blood and innocence, a picture of purity of mind and/or heart and of undefended assurance.
Guileless, free from any attempt to deceive or to impress others. No axe to grind or lever to apply. No hidden agenda. This sounds like a rare breathe of fresh air. Or does this sound like a naïve or boring character? Maybe we like our film characters with a bit of a side.
Jesus saw into a person and was moved by his core quality. Jesus affirmed Nathanael. He let him know what he thought of him, that he admired him.
Have I seen such lack of deceit? What impact had it on me? Maybe I relaxed more, was less defensive. This is a rich gift that the guileless offer.
Do I affirm the good that I see? When fully seen how have I felt?
One word
I think of this one word ‘guileless’ and wonder what single words have stopped me as this word did Nathanael? Which ones have, at least for a season, defined me, questioned me or formed me, for good or ill?
What onward stories have we told ourselves? ‘ You have heard it said but I say to you’, says Jesus. How accurate is my assessment or reading of myself, let alone of others?
One accurate intimate word can be affirming, inspiring, energising. Sometimes the leanness and simplicity of a single word can open us like nothing else. Sometimes they come our way as only snatches, brief compliments, biting asides. Something's go so deep.
What word about myself have I heard? What would Jesus say?
Andrew Hook